大萨克拉门托经济委员会’s Newly Formed Community Reinvestment Coalition Commits $100 Million to Affordable Housing


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Committee will engage banks across 更大的萨克拉门托 region to invest in affordable housing initiatives

萨克拉门托,大萨克拉门托经济委员会 announced it will formally launch the Community Reinvestment Coalition (CRC) with the primary goal of reinvesting in low- to moderate-income (LMI) communities. 的 first initiative of the CRC will be a commitment of $100 million in financing to address the affordable housing crisis in the 更大的萨克拉门托 region.

的 CRC is comprised of regional community banking leaders including First Northern Bank’s 耶利米史密斯, 五星银行的詹姆斯·贝克维斯说, 河城银行的斯蒂芬·弗莱明说, Suncrest Bank’s Ciaran McMullan and Bank of the Sierra’s Michael Olague, with the opportunity for additional banks to join the committee in the future.

的 CRC’s goal is to combine local community bank resources to bring solutions that will have positive and long-lasting impacts in our communities and LMI neighborhoods through collaboration. Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of First Northern Bank, 耶利米史密斯, 将担任儿童权利委员会主席.

“We’re looking forward to building this coalition of banks to focus on the need for more affordable housing options for our residents,史密斯说. “This group will initially commit $100 million in affordable housing financing.  的 housing data shows us how vital and important this initiative is in the Sacramento region.”

大萨克拉门托地区大约需要154人,在接下来的8年里,大约有6000个住房单位,为低收入或非常低收入的家庭和个人提供000英镑. 例如, 仅萨克拉门托市就需要超过45个,到2029年,约有16000个住房单位,为低收入或极低收入阶层提供1万套住房. 的 rest of the 更大的萨克拉门托 region needs more than 100,000 units by 2029. 在总, 超过150人,未来8年需要1万套住房, 根据萨克拉门托地区政府委员会的说法.

 “的 newly formed Community Reinvestment Coalition will address the region’s serious housing needs and lack of supply,GSEC主席 & 首席执行官巴里·布鲁姆说. “Around 90,000 Greater Sacramentans spend over 50% of their household income on gross rent. Residents with rent burdens over 50% of gross income are at high-risk for homelessness. Bottom line: we need more housing supply to meet our region’s demands to bring down cost. Our organization is excited to partner with our leading regional community banks to help move this initiative forward. We applaud Jeremiah for leading this important initiative and are grateful to all members of this coalition for working together to create real, 大萨克拉门托的持久变化.”


“Homelessness and our growing lack of housing affordability are the two gravest challenges facing Sacramento,市长达雷尔·斯坦伯格说. “的 city has so far committed tens of millions of dollars to step up production on affordable housing and is poised to spend $100 million on a master plan for short-term and transitional homeless housing options. I commend bank leaders for stepping up with such a sizable commitment to permanent affordable housing, which is a crucial component of making sure all of our people are housed safely and with dignity.”


“Roseville continues to be one of the fastest growing cities in California and the largest in Placer County,罗斯维尔市长克里斯塔·贝纳斯科尼说. “随着我们继续扩大和建造更多的住房, city leadership continues to work with developers to meet the supply and demand. Housing options for all income levels is imperative as we continue our growth and trajectory as a city.”


“I’m looking forward to working with GSEC’s Community Reinvestment Coalition as they look to address more affordable housing in Sacramento County,萨克拉门托县的菲尔·塞尔纳说. “在大衰退之后——持续了十多年, not enough affordable homes were being built across the state and throughout the county. We need to pivot and address this need to accommodate are growing population.”



的 大萨克拉门托经济委员会 is the catalyst for innovative growth strategies in the Capital Region of California. 该组织带头以社区为导向进行挽留, 吸引, 发展和扩大可贸易部门, develop advanced industries and create jobs and investment throughout a six-county region. 更大的萨克拉门托 represents a collaboration between local and state governments, 市场领导者, 影响者和利益相关者, 其唯一使命是推动包容性经济增长. 的 更大的萨克拉门托 region was founded on discovery, built on leadership and fueled by innovation.





菱形, 云管理物理安全领域的领导者, is excited to announce its move to an expanded office space at 1610 R Street in the heart of Sacramento’s Midtown. 在新的投资和伙伴关系的推动下, the company has expanded its team and now employs more than 175 individuals.